Discipline Policy
Every student admitted to the college is required to maintain discipline and good conduct in and outside the college during the period of her stay in the college. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited. Violation of discipline rules and acts of ragging are punishable according to Ordinance XV-B and XV-C of the University. Students are required to read these rules carefully and ensure good conduct and behaviour during their stay in the college. Parents are also requested to read these rules carefully and ensure good conduct of their wards at all the times during their stay in the college.
Ordinance XV-B.
Maintenance of Discipline among Students of the University
- All power relating to discipline and disciplinary action are vested in the Vice Chancellor.
- The Vice-Chancellor may delegate all or such power as he/she deems proper to the Proctor and to such other persons he/she may specify on his behalf.
- Without prejudice to the generality of power to enforce discipline under the Ordinance, the following shall amount to acts of gross indiscipline.
- Physical assault or threat to use physical force, against any member of the teaching and non teaching staff of any Institution/Department and against any student within the University of Delhi.
- Carrying of, use of, or thereat to use of any weapons.
- Any violation of the provisions of the Civil Right Protection Act. 1976.
- Violation of the status, dignity & honour of student belonging to the scheduled castes and tribes.
- Any practice-whether verbal or otherwise derogatory of women.
- Any attempt at bribing or corruption in any manner.
- Willful destruction of Institutional property.
- Creating ill-will or intolerance on religious or communal ground.
- Causing disruption in any manner of the academic functioning of the University system.
- Ragging as per Ordinance XV-C.
- Without prejudice to the generality of his/her powers relating to the maintenance of discipline and taking such action in the interest of maintaining discipline as may seem to him appropriate, the Vice-chancellor, may in the exercise for his/her powers aforesaid order or direct that:
- Any student or students be expelled; or
- Any student or students be, for a stated period, rusticated; or
- Be not, for a stated period, admitted to a course or courses of study in college, department or institution of the University; or
- Be debarred from taking a University or college or Departmental Examination or Examinations for one or more years; or
- That the result of the student or student concerned in the Examination or Examinations in which she or they have appeared be cancelled.
- The Principal of the college, Heads of the Halls, Deans of the Faculties, Heads of Department in the University, the Principal School of Correspondence courses and continuing Education, and Librarian shall have the authority to exercise all such disciplinary power over students in their respective colleges, institutions, faculties and teaching department, in the University as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the Institutions, halls and teaching in the concerned Departments. They may exercise their authority though or delegate authority to such of the teachers in their college, institutions or Departments as they may specify for these purposes.
- Without prejudice to the powers of the Chancellor and the Proctor as aforesaid, detailed rules of disciplines and proper conduct shall be framed. These rules may be supplemented where necessary, by the Principal of the colleges, Head of Halls, Deans of Faculties and Heads of Teaching Departments in this University. Each student shall be expected to provide herself with a copy of these rules.
- At the time of admission, every student shall be required to sign declaration that on admission she submits herself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice-chancellor and the several authorities of the university who many by vested with the authority to exercise discipline under Act the statues, the ordinances and the rules that have been framed there under by the University.