Computer Centre
Mr Nagendra | Associate Professor, ICT and Website Coordinator |
Mr Sandeep | System and Network Administrator |
General Facilities
The computer centre of the college is located on the first floor of the Science Block. Students can use either the the stairs or the ramp to reach it. It is open on all working days throughout the year
It is equipped with over 100 networked computers with Internet connectivity. It is also air conditioned and has UPS for providing uninterrupted power supply
These computers have per-installed software necessary for not only Internet browsing but also for doing all types of word processing work including the preparation of slide presentations and spreadsheets. Auxiliary services available in the computer centre include scanning and printing
The college has also a stock of 500 laptops, which are available for issue to the students who fulfill the necessary documentation requirements. The computer centre manages the process of issuing these to the students as well as maintaining them with the help of AMC service providers.
The intranet of the computer centre is also now used for collecting student feedback on courses and teaching-learning processes in each semester with the help of the IQAC survey. The graduating students also make use of it for completing the Exit Survey in the last semester of their three year study
Internet & Local Area Connectivity
Apart from the computer centre and the library, which have wired internet connectivity, the entire campus is provided with Wi-Fi based Internet connectivity through the servers located in the computer centre.
Wi-Fi based Internet connectivity is available for use in the classrooms with the help of the laptops, which are available for issue to the teachers on demand. Students can also make use of the Internet in classrooms and anywhere in the campus with the help of the laptops, which are issued to them.
Facilities for Holding Classes or Seminars/Training Programmes
The computer centre is also equipped with audio and electronic projection systems. It can be used by teachers for holding classes requiring computer usage or for organising seminars or training programmes
The computer centre uses these facilities for organising orientation programmes in the use of Internet for browsing and emailing as well as in the use of word processing software for creating documents, presentations and spreadsheets.
ICT Usage Guidelines
Students are advised to refer to the ‘ICT Usage Guidelines’ as well as the ‘Guidelines on Maintaining Academic Integrity’ for making the best use of the ICT facilities of the college.