IQAC Composition
Dr. Raj Bhardwaj | Chairperson (Acting Principal) |
Dr. Geeta Kaushik, Associate Professor, Dept. of Hindi | Coordinator |
Shri Anoop Gupta, Chairman, Governing Body | Member Management |
Teachers’ Representatives: | |
Dr. Rachna Mahalwala, Associate Professor, Dept. of Commerce | Member |
Ms. Parminder Sehgal, Associate Professor, Dept. of Home Science | Member |
Mr. Vikas Chaudhary, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science | Member |
Dr. Swati Yadav, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics | Member |
Ms. Pushpa Yadav, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commerce | Member |
Dr. Punam Dagar, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Political Science | Member |
Dr. Manisha Bhutani, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics | Member |
Senior Administrative Officers: | |
Dr. Poonam Mothsra – Secretary, Staff Council | Member |
Dr. Santosh Kaushik – Bursar | Member |
Mr. Alok – Senior AO/SO Account | Member |
Nominee local society/ Student and Alumnus: | |
Ms. Suman Dagar, Social Worker | Member |
Ms. Jigyasa Sahni, Physics (hons.) 2nd Yr | Member |
Dr. Asha, Associate Professor, Aditi Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi | Member |
Dr. Manju Sharma, Associate Professor, Kalindi College, University of Delhi | Member |
Nominee Employers/ Industrialist/ Stakeholders: | |
Mr. Parveen Bansal, Industrialist | Member |
Mr. Satish Jindal, Parent | Member |
It will develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
It will channelise and systematise the efforts and measures of the college towards academic excellence.
It will work towards standardisation of activities and processes and strive for continuous improvements in standards and their achievement.
It will promote measures for cheap replica breitling avenger hurricane institutional functioning towards continuous quality enhancement through internalisation of quality culture and institutionalisation of best practices.
Its goal will be to ensure that whatever is done in the college for education is done efficiently and effectively with high standards.
It will focus on improving quality and productivity as well decrease costs constantly.
It will help develop a sound basis for decisions required for improving institutional functioning and the building of an organised methodology of documentation and internal communication
It will establish procedures and modalities to collect data and information on various aspects of institutional functioning for enabling easier and faster decision making
It will evolve mechanisms and procedures for ensuring
- Timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks;
- The relevance and quality of academic and research programmes;
- Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning;
- The credibility of evaluation procedures;
- Adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services;
- Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.
It will seek to achieve quality improvement by developing leadership and by focusing on human resource development through education and training including on the job training, which will help people do their job better.
It will place special emphasis will on enabling everyone to do their jobs to the best of their abilities through self-improvement programmes and to ensure that all available talent within the college is fully utilised for improving quality and achieving excellence.
It will also develop appropriate communication strategies not only for keeping all the stakeholders but also for motivating them to support and contribute to the success of quality improvement initiatives
It will promote enhanced interaction between students and faculty as the core requirement of the quality system by directly focusing on improving the learning experience of students.
It will enhance quality awareness within the institution and establish the credibility for external accreditation.
Its activities will be focused on helping the process of internalisation of quality and play a catalytic role in bringing about performance improvements by facilitating the development and adoption standards and their periodic review and revision as necessary
It will also work towards ensuring heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement and for replica breitling aviation watches the internalisation of the quality culture.
It will bring about greater coordination among various departments and activities of the institution and institutionalisation of all good practices so as to give the quest for quality the benefits of collective synergy.
It will act as key driver of continuous improvement in quality by adopting continuous cycles of planning, live testing, checking and studying their effects through proper analysis of test results, implementing the plan in full and then take up further planning for the next cycle of improvements
IQAC will coordinate the creation of an exclusive window on the college website to regularly inform the students and other stakeholders about all its initiatives and make available all the relevant, reports, documents, templates and data. It will also collect and publish objective and unbiased data relating to quality related performance parameters and their achievements.
Specific Functions
The following are some of the specific functions focused on internal stakeholders
IQAC will facilitate the development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters/templates for the various academic and administrative activities of the College and compile these in to a quality manual, which is easily accessible to everyone
IQAC will facilitate the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive for quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process;
IQAC will promote the setting up of Quality Circles with the participation of students wherever feasible for identifying, studying, experimenting and recommending quality improvement measures in any specific area or for any specific purpose.
IQAC will coordinate the organization of workshops, seminars on quality related themes;
IQAC will coordinate the arrangement for feedback responses from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes;
IQAC will disseminate information on the various quality parameters of higher education, which are applicable to the college;
IQAC will coordinate the proper documentation of the various programmes/activities of the College, leading to quality improvement;
IQAC will act as a nodal agency of the college for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of good practices
IQAC will coordinate development and maintenance of a management information database for the purpose of maintaining / enhancing the institutional quality;
The following are some of the specific functions focused on external stakeholders:-
IQAC will prepare the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) covering all the quality parameters/assessment criteria prescribed by UGC and NAAC and submit these to all the concerned supervisory bodies after due approval by the Governing Body.
IQAC will also prepare a follow up agenda based on the AQAR for driving the process of continuous improvement in quality and obtain the necessary approvals and resources for initiating the next cycle of quality enhancement measures.
IQAC will also regularly submit AQAR to the University of Delhi as well as to state level quality assurance bodies and NAAC