Attendance Requirements
As per University rules, every student is required to attend not less than two thirds of Lectures, Practical, Tutorials and Preceptorials held in each subject or paper in each academic year. A student whose name is struck off the college rolls, on account of non-payment of fees or disciplinary action, will not be given the benefit of attendance during the period.
Every student is required to attend classes. The minimum attendance required separately for lectures and tutorials is two-thirds of the total classes held during the academic session. Five percent weightage in Internal Assessment is for attendance.
Students are advised to follow the attendance rules strictly. Benefit of attendance on medical ground is however given to the students as per university rules, provided Medical certificate is submitted by the student concerned in the college office immediately on their re-joining the college after recovery.
Students are advised to follow the attendance rules strictly. Benefit of attendance on medical ground is however given to the students as per university rules, provided Medical certificate is submitted by the student concerned in the college office immediately on their re-joining the college after recovery.
Students of the new Four Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUP) may please view/download a copy of the Ordinance VII (2) of the University of Delhi(Approved in EC Meeting held on June 7, 2013 ) by clicking on this hyper link and take note of the details of their attendance requirements
As clearly mentioned in the above ordinnce, “No person shall be deemed to have satisfied the required conditions in respect of his instructions, unless in addition to the requirements regarding attendance and other conditions, he has appeared and satisfied by his performance the Principal of his college in such tests, written and/or oral, as may be held by him in his discretion. The Principal of the College shall have, and shall be deemed always to have had, the power to detain a student in the same class in which he has been studying, or not to send him up for the University Examination, in case he did not appear at the tests aforesaid or his performance was not satisfactory. The Principal of a College/Head of the Institution shall have power to strike off the name of a student who is grossly irregular in attendance in spite of warning, or when the absence of the student is for such a long period that he cannot put in requisite percentage of attendance”.