Sexual Harassment
Please click on the link below to view/download the latest DU notice/guidelines regarding the functioning of Internal Complaints Committee and how to lodge sexual harassment related complaints
DU Guidelines on wholesale replica breitling colt watches Internal Complaints Committee in the college
The college is governed by the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 and the rules framed under it.
Definition of Sexual Harassment
According to this Act, “sexual harassment” includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or behaviour (whether directly or by implication) namely:—
- physical contact and advances; or
- a demand or request for sexual favours; or
- making sexually coloured remarks; or
- showing pornography; or
- any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature;
Law against Sexual Harassment
Section 3.(1) of this Act clearly states that “No woman shall be subjected to sexual harassment at any workplace.”
Section 3.(1) adds that “The following circumstances, among other circumstances, if it occurs or is present in relation to or connected with any act or behaviour of sexual harassment may amount to sexual harassment:-
- implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in her employment; or
- implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment in her employment; or
- implied or explicit threat about her present or future employment status; or
- interference with her work or creating an intimidating or offensive or hostile work environment for her; or
- humiliating treatment likely to affect her health or safety.”
Complaints against Sexual Harassment
Any aggrieved woman may make, in writing, a complaint of sexual harassment at work place to the Internal Committee within a period of three months from the date of incident and in case of a series of incidents, within a period of three months from the date of last incident:
Provided that where such complaint cannot be made in writing, the Presiding Officer or any Member of the Internal Committee or the Chairperson or any Member of the Local Committee, as the case may be, shall render all reasonable assistance to the woman for making the complaint in writing:
Provided further that the Internal Committee or, as the case may be, the Local Committee may, for the reasons to be recorded in writing, extend the time limit not exceeding three months, if it is satisfied that the circumstances were such which prevented the woman from filing a complaint within the said period.
Where the aggrieved woman is unable to make a sale replica breitling cole watches complaint on account of her physical or mental incapacity or death or otherwise, her legal heir or such other person as may be prescribed may make a complaint under this section.
As per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Rule, 2013, complaint may also be made on behalf of the aggrieved woman who is unable to make a complaint on account of her physical incapacity by her relative or friend or her co-worker or an an officer of the National Commission for Women, or State’s Women’s Commission or any person who has knowledge of the incident, with the written consent of the aggrieved woman
Internal Complaints Committee of the College
The composition of the committee set up by the college under the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 is as follows
- Vandana Sharma – Chairperson
- Reeta Namdev – Member
- Rajesh Kumar – Member
- NGO Representative – Member